Familia et amici in perpetuum meaning
Familia et amici in perpetuum meaning

familia et amici in perpetuum meaning familia et amici in perpetuum meaning

When Fred's eyes opened fully, they landed straight on her. In the corner of her eyes, she saw George fall down and crawl as close as he could get to his brother’s head, crying in relief, in shock the golden light barrier still separated the twins. She looked back at the older Weasley twin's face and to her shock, his mouth dropped slightly open and let out a small breath of air before his eyes slowly fluttered open. She felt a soft but steady heartbeat beneath it, while hers was raging like mad. It wasn't hers it came from her bracelet. Her eyes fell down once again when she suddenly felt a heartbeat. Her eyes shot up and locked on George's, who stared with large blue eyes between her and Fred's bracelet, mouth dropped open in shock. Hermione's eyes went wide when she pulled up her sleeve and saw the same thing happen on her bracelet. Suddenly the bracelet on Fred's arm became engraved, an infinity sign with the letters F and H appeared on it. When her fingertips brushed Fred's bracelet, it went ice cold at the same time as hers. She swallowed hard before she reached over. Her heart started beating faster as she saw the nearly identical bracelet on the fallen Weasley. When she finally reached Fred's sleeve, she pushed it up and saw a bracelet just like hers, a set. With all her might she pushed and pushed against the force that held her back.

familia et amici in perpetuum meaning

She looked at the panicked Weasleys before she focused her attention back on the one that was lying in front of her. George and Molly were pounding on the light that formed like a barrier around her and Fred with tears falling from their eyes. More people came over when the light brightened the great hall. No one could pass the barrier it was just her and Fred. She turned around looking for the person that was holding her back but there was no one. Hermione tried to reach over and look at his arm, but something was pushing her back. Hermione's eyes went even bigger as she looked at the light that closed her and Fred off from the rest of the world. At the same time a light came from Fred's right arm. She suddenly felt her wrist burn, before a bright golden light sprung from the bracelet that was hidden underneath her sleeve. All the sounds that surrounded her a few seconds ago were gone. She saw George's mouth move but she didn't know what he was saying. The other Weasleys that were huddled together, sprung to their feet and looked over, all eight sets of eyes on her. George’s head snapped in their direction as he fell to his knees next to his fallen twin. And I'm sorry I never got a chance to say it before.” She gently reached for his hand and when her hand touched his, everything happened at the same time. I thought you were brilliant I thought your products were amazing. I'm sorry that I was always on your back about your products.” She took in a deep breath as she looked over to George, who was still staring at the same spot, but she knew he was listening. “I'm sorry we never got the chance to really get to know each other. I'm sorry.” She whispered as she subconsciously twirled with the bracelet under her sleeve. She sat there in silence for a few minutes, glancing over the other people they had lost that night, before her gaze fell back to the ginger in front of her. She studied his face, a few bumps and bruises scattered around his face and neck but if she didn't know any better, it just looked like he was asleep. Hermione looked over at George once again before she knelt down nervously next to Fred. He isolated himself in his room and didn't want anyone to disturb him, so she came down to see the ones they’d lost. The only one that was missing was Harry, but she already knew where he was as he felt guilty about the losses they had that evening. She looked over at the rest of the Weasley family, they were huddled together a few meters away, tears falling down their cheeks as they looked at anything but Fred. When Hermione slowly came closer, George didn't notice her, or maybe he did but his gaze was still fixed on a point in front of him.


His identical twin sat right next to him in shock as he stared in front him, looking into nothingness, his eyes glazed over and full of tears. Hermione walked back into the great hall after Voldemort's defeat when her eyes fell on the fallen hero, Fred Weasley, for the first time.

Familia et amici in perpetuum meaning